
Message Party

The first chapter. 5900 unique NFT Verses on a mission to discover new worlds, stories and experiences to be shared with the Message Party community.

max. sale 14
avg. sale◎ 2.06
24h volume◎0.00
24h sales0
24h max. sale◎ 0
24h avg. sale◎0
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Info: Total supply will be 5900 items. 350 are still not minted and held in reserve. Once all will be minted ranking will change!

Items on sale by: 2FRYPMajSof2xE4b1d3XCNMP2ovwx9yFf9sgB212YLpg

1 results
rarity 2030
# 1388
◎2.05buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎2.18