
Bad Creature Society

Bad Creature Society is a collection of 3888 Bad Creatures on the Solana Blockchain. Providing a holder-centric community with extensive real world and digital value for its members.

27 burned
max. sale 50.30
avg. sale◎ 0.69
24h volume◎0.00
24h sales0
24h max. sale◎ 0
24h avg. sale◎0
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Items on sale by: 59erjdQr1shD7KiQPFZ37cUwMV68wARgZrzyHR7Xhih8

3 results
rarity 1658
# 1695
◎0.0666buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎0.03
rarity 2391
# 1602
◎0.0697buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎0.03
rarity 2747
# 2312
◎0.0687buy on Magic Eden
LAST ◎0.03